Title : The character can appear guardians of the Galaxy comic book movie version
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The character can appear guardians of the Galaxy comic book movie version
Hi, as we know, no longer guardians of the Galaxy volume 2 will soon be released. This time the parents will consists of more than ever, except some old characters such as Lord star, cinder, DRAX, rocket raccoon weghrot, members of a baby they will grow with the character yondu, Nebula, Mantis, and possibly the father of Star Lord, namely Alana Live Earth. "
But in the comic version, there are some other characters who join the parent group. Netanya character Te – character so cool and become hard to make this team, "Rangers Galaxy" stronger again. Strange right? This time we will summarize some parents characters of "Galaxy" comic version deserves to be entered in the live action version of "cinematic" Marvel Universe, anyone anyway? Check this out:
We all know that "Flash Thompson is one of the bullies Peter Parker figure at the time he was in high school, when he changed his life Flash call symbiote poison. At first, the Flash can be controlled easily by a symbiote controlled, became the most famous nemesis in the Spider-man franchise. But after some time Flash was able to control the symbiote and became one of the biggest ally of the Spiderman costume "venom" among workers. With new powers, operator assisted poison Save New York on many occasions, and even an amazing role in the comic book "ultimate Spider-man.
In "Marvel Comics" launch "miraculously" all new, all different looks "poison" agentmissions in outer space where parents met with the Galaxy. As a team, they go to the planet and discovered that the symbiote is unprecedented not all evil. In fact, they are a peaceful race who seek to work together and not to hurt others. Since then, venom now as a member of the current lineup of the guardian.
2. Bug
If you haven't heard about Super Hero on this one, you are not alone. Founded the guardians of the Galaxy with a few strange characters "out of left field" in the Marvel Universe. Alien craft is derived from the Micronauts comic book, comics and is known as the "Galactic Warrior." However, because of some licensing conflicts with one of the company's toys, Marvel eventually changed its name to the error.
A very unique character, where he introduced him to Excel in combat. Can crawl on walls, and can improve its agility, speed and sensory (vision). The error was asked personally "rocket raccoon" to join the modern group of "guardians". Some of the key events saw the error in his career along with the guardians of the Galaxy including the war of Kings. Though he was not a member of the current team, he has appeared on several occasions guardians/Avengers, and even in the original draft of the movie, and the guardian of the Galaxy.
Earth may be one or more story 691 say many geeks, parents may have originated from Earth-691 newcomers to the most famous is the major victory. At first he was just a guy named Vance Astro who served in the weather. His passion for adventure led him to become an astronaut sent expedition in outer space.
During the trip, he was put in a capsule suspension Cyro sleep binwania process. When I finally woke up, she had several centuries of time where he travelled first to outer space. With a costume made of Adamantium prevent aging quickly, Vance began many questions in this new world. After being arrested alongside yondu, Vance himself and some other prisoners escape. The prisoners would ultimately guardians of the Galaxy of Earth-691.
The victory also completed a major victory by getting a very special weapon, a shield of Captain America. He used it in battle along with the ability of bsikisnia. Together, she and parents traveled across several periods and even met with the Avengers.
4. Moondragon
Heather Douglas was one of the victims of a terrible car accident, unfortunately it was in the wrong place at the wrong time. When she was very young, his parents drive across the desert as a witness to the mysterious spaceship crash. Unfortunately, he is the captain of the ship "mad Titan, Thanos. Since they don't want to look by anyone, and it blew the car and killed both parents Heather immediately, it makes Heather thrown several feet in the air.
After a while, father of Thanos good hearts to find it and take it away to Earth, where he trained by tyrants. In his practice, psychic abilities and genetic engineering. He became one of the best students belonging to the monks of Titan, it is strong so he can fight the Dragon. To commemorate this event, he took the name of mondragone.
Unfortunately, while the number appears stronger than Ultron, kill mondragone. But that's not the end of the journey of mondragone. After a few moments his friends managed to return to the land of the dead and alive. And then he became a member of the guardians, where he collaborated with Mantis and Cosmo in psychological analysis.
When people think of quasar, I think mostly embodiment Wendell Vaughn. However, like Captain Marvel, there are some super hero ever wear the mantle of quasar. Version who joined the guardians is teeming-Vell. Swarming of Captain Mar-Vell, and of course many interesting possibilities such as Super strength, the ability to absorb and give energy as you wish.
At the beginning of his career, he first used a layer of Captain Marvel. After a while joined the guardians of the Galaxy, and decides to take another path, becoming the new face of the quasar mantle. In a series of backyard, which Ultron again appeared and defeated he teems with parents. However, his time quasar did not last long, after his battle with maelstrom, it feeds on a dragon. This makes them more aggressive and ruthless than before. Because of this, eventually ended with his death at the hands of Thanos.
Don't get too confused on behalf of geeks. In "Marvel" all different all new, there are a lot of changes in some characters and famous group. Perhaps the most interesting part of all these changes come from the Galactic guardian. One of the newer members who also former member of "Kitty Pryde, X-man,.
After a meeting with Lord star, decided to start distance relationship (LDR Earth – space lol!) but in the end Kitty decided to go into space to help parents Galaxy (and met Peter of course, mode). On a mission related to an object named "black spiral", Lord finally request star pride and she gladly accepted it. However, eventually revealed that Peter Quill was elected as the new ruler of Sparta. He's willing to support it, pushed her fiance to take up his position as ruler of Sparta.
After Peter became the ruler, "Kitty Pryde" lingered beside him for some time. Because of unfavorable conditions, he left Sparta and replaces Peter as Lord of the star, but best known as Lady stars. Under the leadership of "rocket raccoon," Ms star who recently went on a trip I took to another large crossing away from the x-men, the Avengers, the guardians of the Galaxy.
They have some parents to comic version of the Galaxy that mentioned us worthy to join in the big screen version. There are still other characters that you haven't mentioned, but you know you got gagwania all, please share in the comments!
Thus articles The character can appear guardians of the Galaxy comic book movie version
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